Plastic pipe dataaround Europe

Good practice guides for various jointing technologies to polyethylene piping systems

What do I have to consider while installing a flange? How do I have to storage, transport or handle polyethylene pipes? Would it be better to use electrofusion, butt-fusion or a mechanical connection? Which standards do I need to consider?

The experts of The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Associations (TEPPFA) want to give you solutions. Therefore, they have developed different technical guidance about the selection of jointing methods for PE pipes, flanges, electro- fusion and butt- fusion. These documents are openly published on TEPPFA’s website ( and they will not only reinforce your decision on which jointing method to use but they will also support you with the technic, how to use them, what to consider, how to assess the weld quality… between many others.

Below you can see the available technical guidance:

– A good practice guide to the selection of jointing methods for polyethylene pressure pipes

– A good practice guide for flange jointing of polyethylene pressure pipes

– A good practice guide for the electrofusion jointing of large diameter polyethylene pressure pipes

– A good practice guide for the butt fusion jointing of polyethylene pressure pipes (expected to be published on 2017)


Posted on 23rd November 2017

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