TEPPFA industry research database contains reports on various characteristics of plastic pipes.
This meta-study, carried out by Montanuniversität Leoben and the Polymer Competence Center Leoben, Austria, and commissioned by TEPPFA, is a stati...
The study is the old version (dated back in 1999) of the Design of large diameter buried PE and PP pipes without internal pressure report ...
This report aims to advise a method to calculate the long-term deflection and resistance against buckling for large diameter plastic pipes. ...
The Vienna Institute of Environmental Management compared different pipe materials used for water supply and sewer applications. More commonly know...
A comprehensive study carried out by PlasticsEurope and GUA, an Austrian environmental consultancy has important implications for the use of plasti...
A wide body of technical evidence for choosing plastic pipe systems on the basis of their behavior to accommodate dynamic ground movements is revie...
Signs of our old age may be obvious. But appearances can be deceptive. So how can we trust such signs on face value? Dutch scientific study of PVC ...