One of the topics addressed at Plastic Pipes XX Conference will be “Hydrogen replacing natural gas – is the pipe infrastructure ready?” Such a review is all the more relevant given the development of hydrogen delivery systems particularly within the transport sector. The Plastic Pipes XX Conference and Exhibition will be held September 21 – 23, 2020 at the Okura Hotel in Amsterdam.
Conference organizers announced today that there will be 100 presentations discussing worldwide advancements in material development, research findings, case studies, non-destructive testing (NDT) methods and other areas concerning plastic pipe technology and the industry that promotes it.
“Using its existing network of polyethylene gas pipe to transport hydrogen in the future is a critical topic in The Netherlands, and will be an important focus during our Amsterdam conference,” stated Sarah Patterson of the Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc., who is Co-Chair of the PPXX Organizing Committee and Chair of the Technical Program. “The conference is planning a session that will be devoted to the investigation of polyethylene pipe when exposed to hydrogen, a study that has yielded positive results, finding the material and pipe to be capable for the task.”
Among the other technical papers planned for presentation are:
Patterson explains that the conference will have three days of technical presentations covering aspects of plastic pipe systems such as raw materials, joining
methods/components, processing equipment, additive/ingredients, test methods, plastic pipeline solutions, application areas, case studies, sustainability performance and latest market issues.
The Organizing Committee of Plastic Pipes XX received 155 abstracts to review and selected nearly 100 for technical presentation and 15 for the poster gallery walk.
Organized by the Plastic Pipe Conference Association (PPCA) and held every two years, the Conference and Exhibition are hosted by PPCA members: PE 100+ Association, the Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI) and The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association (TEPPFA).
Information, online registration, exhibition space and sponsorship opportunities for Plastic Pipes XX are now available through:
The following sponsors are already on board for PLASTIC PIPE XX in Amsterdam: