The Plastic Pipes Conference Association (PPCA) announces that papers delivered at OZPIPE XIX Conference in Australia will lead to a significant upswing in the region’s plastic pipe industry. This spin-off event will be co-hosted by PPCA and The Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia (PIPA) on 7 and 8 November 2019 at Dockside on Cockle Bay in Sydney. Also announced by PPCA are the dates of the 6thChina International Plastic Pipe Conference in Guangzhou, November 18-19, 2019.
Zoran Davidovski, Chair of the PPXX Organizing Committee, comments: “Ozpipe XIX will showcase recent technical findings particularly in the water and sewer/drainage sectors that will signpost a wider acceptance of plastics as the pipe material of choice.”
One important paper deals with fascinating field trials carried out in Denmark. Undertaken by The European Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association (TEPPFA), this technical work involved measuring deflection of buried large diameter polyethylene pipes over time. Having installed and tested these stormwater pipes in various installation conditions, TEPPFA will confirm to conference through Peter Seyersen, its technical expert, that these pipes are eminently fit for the purposes of sewer and drainage. A similar field trial conducted previously by TEPPFA on small diameter sewer pipes resulted in their wider acceptance.
Meanwhile, Australian Engineer, Courtney Dunn has also been investigating the impact of soil conditions on the deflection of buried plastic pipes. This time, she has chosen to explore how polypropylene pipes react ‘down under’ from heavy loads from up above. Given that Dunn works for leading contractor John Holland on major landmark projects, her experience will be closely awaited and valued.
Non-plastic pipes are known for their eventual vulnerability to disinfected water. Dr. Jeroen Wassenaar will deliver a paper called: The suitability of PE pipes for conveying disinfected drinking water under pressure.He is Market Segment Manager for Qenos, the sole manufacturer of polyethylene and polymers in Australia and his insight will be essential for the water industry.
Dr. Steven Folkman is an Associate Professor at the Utah State University. He is also a world renowned authority on the engineering aspects of pipeline technology and its challenges. Given the durable performance of plastic pipe systems and increasing periods of drought in the region, could the process of replacing aged and leaking pipes be accelerated? His answer will be addressed affirmatively through reference to the North American experience in his paper: A recent survey of Water Main Failures in the USA and Canada.
Corrugated pipes made from recycled plastic materials have proved popular with sewer and drainage authorities in Europe. Many municipal bodies rightly insist that products purchased are either recyclable or already recycled. Michael Pluimier, President of Crossroads Engineering Services, will review: Guidelines for Corrugated Pipes Manufactured with Recycled Materials for Highway Culvert and Storm Drain Applications.
And from Spain, Jose A. Galera will inform delegates of the exciting research undertaken by Molecor to develop oriented PVC fittings; an important step in eliminating ductile iron components to allow the construction of a totally corrosionfree, PVC pipeline.
Rodger Connolly, Executive General Manager for PIPA anticipates a large audience at Ozpipe XIX. “A record 300 participants attended our last event, Connolly insists. “It has become a truly international platform for networking and for sharing those enduring human and plastic pipe connections.”
Further Information, online registration, exhibition space and sponsorship opportunities for OZPIPE XIX are now available through: