The Plastic Pipes Conference Association (PPCA) has highlighted the promotional and networking opportunities of its next conference and exhibition, PLASTIC PIPES XX. Hosted in Amsterdam at the Hotel Okura, this event will be held September 21 – 23, 2020.
Zoran Davidovski, Chair of the PPXX Organizing Committee remarks: “Amsterdam is a very appropriate venue for our twentieth conference. Our technology was first invented in Germany, then commercially pioneered in the Netherlands and now continues to be developed throughout the world.”
“Our technical exhibition plays an active role in networking during our Conference. This truly international platform showcases some of the latest developments in product design, manufacture, maintenance, evaluation and testing procedures.”
“Amsterdam will host conference delegates from over 40 countries. Key players will include pipe designers, raw material producers, consultants, architects, civil engineers, pipe fittings and extrusion equipment manufacturers, distinguished scientists and leading representatives of government agencies and industrial associations and major utility providers.”
PPXX event organizers report that the technical exhibition will comprise 36 booths and that 12 major companies and organizations in the plastic pipe
world have already reserved space.
Furthermore, the PPCA has published factsheets to inform potential delegates, sponsors and exhibitors of the scope and scale of participation. This
information alongside registration has been posted to the PPCA website:
The following sponsors are already on board for PLASTIC PIPE XX in Amsterdam:
• Main Corporate sponsors: Baerlocher and Rollepaal
• Gold level sponsors: MOL, S&B Technical Products Hultec USA,
• Gala Dinner sponsor: The European Plastic Pipe and Fittings
Association (TEPPFA)
• Welcome Reception sponsor: KraussMaffei Berstorff
• Lunch sponsor: RTP Company
• Coffee Break sponsor: battenfeld-cincinnati
• IPAD corner sponsors: PVC4Pipes Association and PE100+Association
Further information: Eva Ori at [email protected] Tel.: + 36-30 -9514- 480